
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Farmers' Market

We went to our first farmers' market of the year. All we had was rhubarb, a few dozen eggs and goat milk soap. Nothing else was planned for the afternoon so we thought we would go even though we wouldn't make much money because of our lack of product. Dancer and I usually have a lot of baked goods as well but to sell baked good we have to put the tent thing up to comply with state laws. I didn't feel like doing that since Dad had to work and wouldn't be there to help set up and take down. We did surprisingly well! I am always amazed at the amount of rhubarb we sell every year since is seems as though everyone is trying to give it away. All of the eggs we brought sold. Another vendor also sold out so hopefully we do a good egg business there. Other years we were the only ones with eggs but this year there are three of us with them. All little competition never hurts, makes us work harder on our customer service.

The kids had a wonderful time reconnecting with a friend who's mother also has a stand. Another family, who has a friend for Spark and Dancer, live in the neighborhood where the market is held so they walked to their house to get them to come over to the market and they all had a good afternoon together. I need to bring more snacks next time because it seems when kids get together they want to eat!

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