
Monday, August 31, 2009

Snoring Cure?

Spark came out of his bedroom tonight and announced that he needed a spice bag. Why, you may wonder? To keep his stuffed animals from snoring, of course. I'm sure that he was thinking of this because we had just made a spice bag to put in the ketchup we are making. On the way back to bed he had to show off his snoring cure to his sister. A couple minutes later she came out to see if she could get one too. I didn't think she would need one since her stuffed animals are all girls, and girls don't snore. She persisted and we made her one.

Snoring Cure

One small stick of cinnamon, broken into 1/2 inch pieces

1 tsp whole cloves

1 tsp whole allspice

Crush the last 2 ingredients between 2 spoons. Put all three ingredients into a piece of cloth, pull up the 4 corners and tie up with a strip of cloth. Wave the spice bag in front of any snoring stuffed animals.

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