
Thursday, August 6, 2009

VBS comes to an end

Tonight was the last night of vacation bible school for Spark. The service project was a food drive for the local food shelf. If the kids brought 750 items for the food shelf the youth pastor would jump in a pool of slime. Guess who came home full of slime? Yep, Spark. It must have looked really fun because as soon as the youth pastor got out, the kids started to climb in and throw the slime at each other. If I wasn't an adult I probably would have been right in there too! I had a meeting afterwards so the kids helped clean up and then waited around for me. We came home late with lots of slime still in his hair. Because I didn't feel like dealing with it tonight, tomorrow when he hits the bathtub we will see if it really "washes right out', otherwise, he will be getting an impromptu hair cut.

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