
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Giving Thanks Challenge - Dancer's list

1. There weren't any deer shot in the field behind us today.
2. I have a pet goat - Eeyore
3. Our house
4. Dad got to work safely tonight
5. That I have gotten to dance for so many years - I am in my 10th year!
6. Nikki hasn't had any accidents inside today.
7. We had homemade yummy buns for supper
8. I belong to a fun 4-H group
9. We haven't been to the emergency room lately
10. All our animals are doing well.
11. We figured out what cause my eczema
12. I have fun friends
13. That people are coming to our house for Thanksgiving
14. I am homeschooled
15. My brother bought me a flower at the dance show yesterday.

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