
Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Pumpkin's Story: "The Final Chapter"

"Oh a pumpkin's life. I shone brightly on Halloween night; the star of the evening, the main event. Did I mention winning the 4-H pumpkin carving contest? Have you seen my amazing pyrotechnics that special eve? They say the brightest star burns out the fastest, but not I. On the front steps I will linger, rotting and liquefying as nature intended. Never mind the hazard of my frozen goop on the front step, I shall...HEY, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME????"

"You aren't really going to throw me over that fence."

"Please, no, anything but the goat corral"


"I promise not to rot on your front steps!"

"It can't get any worse than this"

Oh, but it did get worse. Much worse. "THEY ARE EATING ME!!!"

"Sadly now, there can be but one outcome" Although his fate was not as bad as Dancer's pumpkin. The goats stuck their head in her's.

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