
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Frosted Maple Walnut Cookies

We needed to make a couple dozen cookies for a dinner theater that is being hosted this weekend at our church. Dancer was looking through one of those little cookbooks that are by the grocery store check outs that happened to make it to the top of our cookbook stack and found this cookie among it's pages. The book was from 1998 so I don't know where it has been hiding all these years.

Frosted Maple Walnut Cookies

2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup butter softened
1 - 2 tsps. maple flavoring
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup whole wheat flour - or use another cup of white flour
1 tsp. baking soda
a dash of salt
1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts

4 cups powdered sugar
3 - 4 tbsp. milk - we need more than this but it will depend on the humidity
2 tbsp. butter softened
2 tsp. maple flavoring

Cream sugar and butter. Add maple flavor and eggs, beat well. Mix in rest of ingredients. Drop by rounded teaspoons on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 7 -9 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cool a couple minutes on the cookie sheet or you will have oval instead of round cookies.

Combine all frosting ingredients and beat until smooth. We needed to use the hand mixer to be able to get it smooth, a spoon just didn't cut it. Frost cookies when cool.

These cookies were so good we had to give a big plate of them away or we would have sat and eaten all of them in a matter of a few days.

We also made these tasty little morsels. I got the idea from here: Keeping It Simple

I looked at it quickly and then today at the store I thought I would remember the ingredients but that wasn't the case. She used chocolate Kisses and I bought Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Which ever form of chocoalte you use here is how to make them. These are so easy they don't take any longer than five minutes. First take mini pretzels, I used the square ones, and lay them out on a cookie sheet and put a peanut butter cup on top of it. Pop these in the oven for a minute or two until they are melty but not melted. I put them in at 350 degrees because that is what I had the pork ribs we had for dinner baking at. Pull the pan out of the oven and quick push a M&M into the center of them. Let them cool and then hide them from your kids and husband or they will quickly be gone.

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