
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Tree

We aren't ones to decorate for all the holidays. I like all the decorations I just never feel inclined to put them up in our house. I do enjoy an Easter tree, maybe because it is a little blip of color when the earth is still so brown.
This year we made ours out of Pussy Willows, any kind of a branch would work just as well. I like the representation the blooms coming out like Christ from the grave. Dad went down to the swamp and cut a few branches for us.

Next step was to make the decorations. On the very top of a plastic egg, put a dolp of glue using a glue gun. Use a strand of ribbon to form a loop and attach to the top of the egg. You want the ribbons to be one the eggs securely if you are leaving your tree outside as we are going to.

Fill a large pot, we used a planter, with soil or sand. Attractively arrange branches in the soil and push way to the bottom so the branches don't tip over. Water the soil so that the pussy willows will pop out in the next few days. Hang the eggs all over the branches. So festive!

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