
Friday, July 9, 2010

4-H Banner

At the county fair each 4-H club can put in club projects.  Our club does a scrapbook highlighting our year, a community service project and a banner.  This year we are also adding a club planter.  Each project has an adult chairperson and then the kids sign up for whatever committee they want to be one.  One of the committees our kids are always interested in is the banner.  Tonight we had our third meeting so far and at least one more will be needed to complete the banner.  Along with our meeting we had a mini potluck.  The family who's garage we meet in grilled hot dogs, we brought watermelon and the other two families brought potato chips and cupcakes. 

Our banner this year is going to have a front and a back.  Normally they only have a front but after looking closer at the rules we saw that it can have a front and back so we are trying something new.  Here Dancer and her friend are showing the front and back of a sheep they made.  The second night they made the front and there was so much laughing we weren't sure what it was going to look like.  They wouldn't let us see it until it was done.  It turned out absolutely adorable, this picture doesn't even come close to showing how cute it is.  Tonight they made the back side.  The house were meet at has sheep so the girls kept running down the get a look at what the back of the sheep looked like but the sheep didn't want to turn around.  If they are anything like our goats they know that people mean food is on it's way.

Here are most of the kids who are working on the banner.  They all have their tongues sticking out because they are saying "baaaa."  They have truly been a joy to work with.  All the kids and families in our club are just wonderful and get along really well.

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