
Friday, July 16, 2010

Old Fashioned Potato Candy

 The word that discribes this candy is sweet.  I know candy is suppose to be sweet but this is really sweet, it reminded us of  nugget.   It is good though as we had no problem eating a bunch of it.  To get the rest of it out of the house so we didn't overload on the sugar we sent it home with Grandma Shirley when they came to visit today.  I think it would be nice on a Christmas tray.
Old Fashioned Potato Candy

1/2 (or 1 small) boiled potato

1 tablespoon butter or margarine

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

About 2 cups powdered sugar

1/2 cup peanut butter

Mash potato, add butter, vanilla and enough powdered sugar to make a slightly stiff dough.

Roll out dough (on a surface dusted with powdered sugar) and spread on the peanut butter.

Roll dough up (as for jelly roll) to make a log.

Cut into pieces, let air dry for about an hour. Store in air tight container.

Makes about 2 dozen confections.


  1. Hi there - been poking around on your blog! Love all the 4-H projects that you do with your kids. I had to comment on the potato candy. I can remember my grandmother making this when I was a little girl. Brought back some memories. Might have to try it with my kids. They'll be amazed that you can make candy from a potato!

  2. We have been making this in our family for 3-4 generations. We add red and green food coloring to ours.
