
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Surprise! Yes!

Sometimes I find the best way to surprise the kids is to say yes to them.  Today we were in town shopping, going to the library and stopping by a friend's house to pick up our essential oil order.  We left home about 11:30 but had had a late breakfast so it was way too early for lunch before we left.  We went to the library, visited with our friends and then were shopping.  When we left the store it was about 2:30 and by now, at least I was, hungry.  On the way out to the car Spark says, "Should we stop somewhere for lunch?"  Now, normally I say no, we only live about half an hour from town and no one is going to starve to death in that amount of time.  This afternoon though, I nonchalantly say, "Sure, where do you want to go?"  His eyes get all big and says "really!"   We went to McDonald's, which ewww, what a colossal waste of calories, but sometimes it is worth it.  

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