
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treating for Eeyore

Dancer has been firm the last few months about her decision that she wasn't going to trick or treat this year.  She is 13 and it seems to be loosing some of it's appeal.  She also can't eat most of the candy since it is loaded with food coloring so I understand where that takes away some of the fun of it.  I tend to, however, have candy snobs for kids and they don't eat the candy that they consider "duds" anyway.

I told her if she wasn't going to trick or treat she was still going to walk along with me so I didn't have to stand on the sidewalk alone while Spark ran from door to door.  Earlier in the week she said that maybe it would be too cold to trick or treat and that we should probably stay home.  No, we went every year that you were young, no matter how numb my toes got and or how blue my lips turned, so we are not going to stop now just because the fahrenheit is reading a little low.

Tonight she is sitting here watching Pirates of the Caribbean and during a commercial she turns and says that she should trick or treat for Eeyore.  Eeyore is her goat that has seizures that seem to be helped if he has a couple of pieces of candy everyday to keep his sugar up. 

So now it seems it is official.  She is trick or treating, but it is purely a sacrificial act for Eeyore.  I wonder if he will get the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?

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