
Thursday, November 25, 2010


Decoration by Spark

I called my dad a couple of weeks ago and asked if they want to come for Thanksgiving.  Without missing a beat he said yes and that they would bring a ham.  Then he asked if we had any cranberries and sweet potatoes.  Sounds like he was waiting for an invitation and knew exactly what he wanted!  The trip from their house to ours is usually about an hour.  Today, with horrible roads, it took them and hour and 45 minutes.  Thankfully they made it here and back.

Every vegetable and side dish we had was orange.  We had carrot casserole and yams.  Since we already had two orange veggies Dad threw a squash in the oven for one more.  Then Grandma Pat came with an orange salad and pumpkin pie.  Pumpkin pie can technically be orange.

All the food was so good.  Glad we had leftovers!

This is what happens when you work all night and have company all day.  You are fast asleep on the couch with the dog by 4:15 p.m.  We watched a movie, played Wii Sports Resort, played a game at the table and Dad never stirred.  He did wake up about 8:00 and made us pizza.  We know winter has officially arrived when Dad starts making homemade pizza.

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