
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and Christmas

Christmas Eve day we had lots of sunshine.  Kacheekers is taking advantage of it's warmth.

Lots of snow too!  The neighbor comes and plows for us.  He can get done in about four minutes what it would take us all afternoon to do with a snow blower.

There was still plenty of snow to shovel.

We made more Christmas cookies.  Grandma gave us little tiny cookie cutters which we used to cut out the middle of Kris Kringle cookies.  The recipe for these cookies that just crumble and melt in your mouth so deliciously are here.  Kris Kringle Cookies

Spark made a few Christmas decorations that Grandma had given us kits for.

Christmas Eve or not, Ramen noodle still are a favorite.  Spark eats these almost every day.  I hope he doesn't tire of these before it is time for him to go off to college.

We spent the night at church and then came home and watched "The Christmas Story."  Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.

Santa's snack was prepared.  Cookies and egg nog for Santa chow and carrots for the reindeer chow.

We stared the morning playing Mario Kart while waiting for Dancer to get up.  Then we came to our senses and realized that she could possibly sleep until 10:00 or later  so at 8:30 we woke her up.

Santa brought both of the kids a container of gum.  Gum is a rarity in our house so this was a pretty big deal.  So far I haven't found any stuck where it shouldn't be.

There was lots of new slippers this year. 

We had lots of gifts to open.  I love the tree before the gifts are opened and then afterwards it looks so bare and looses some of it's magic.

Jesus' birthday cake.  We had fellowship after church tonight so we took this with.  The pastor brought a Wii and the kids played games on the big projector screen.  Pretty cool. 

At home, the Spark got Wii Party.  Lots of smiles and laughs as we played it most of the day, only taking a break to watch Dancer's new movie Charlie St. Cloud.

Dad spent a good part of the day looking at the seed catalogs that are already arriving in the mail, and dreaming of the spring garden.  You can never start planning too soon!

We snacked on meatballs.  These were so good and simple.  The recipe was two pounds of meatballs, one jar of Heinz chili sauce and a can of cranberry sauce.  I would have never thought to put those to ingredients together on meatballs but I have now been convinced otherwise.

Lego sets were put together.  Spark got five new sets.  He spends hours upon hours playing Legos.

The Chia elephant was put to soak.

Dancer tried an avocado and oatmeal facial clay mask.  She makes homemade masks with egg white, oatmeal and honey which are much messier.  Having a real one seems much more refined.  

Dancer put a pretty good dent in her new puzzle book, one of her gifts she seemed most excited about. 

The Christmas of 2010 can go down in our history as a very fun year!

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