
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck

Hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck
Hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck
Hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding

Hurry, hurry spray the water
Hurry, hurry, spray the water
Hurry, hurry, spray the water
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding

This was a song I use to sing with the kids when they were little.  We would keep singing the song and doing the motions over and over and faster and faster until the words just came out in a jumbled mess and we would all collapse laughing.  This week I feel like this song sums up our life.

Sunday was the 4-H winter party.  There was the meeting, a pot luck, the kids traded Valentines (which we brought this year, the first time ever) and went sledding.  I didn't make anything fancy for the potluck.  I dumped a bag of meatballs and a bag of little hot dogs in the crock pot along with a jar of chili sauce and a can of cranberry sauce.  Four minutes and our dish was done except to heat up.

Monday was doctor's appointment, bowling, shopping, the library and back to the pharmacy for prescriptions.

Tuesday we went to Minneapolis to a program by the U of M called Physics Force.  They put on a show of different extremely cool physics experiments.  The show was downtown Minneapolis where I have not been to for several years and do not know my way around one iota.  Thankfully Dad was with so he could drive and watch traffic while I navigated.  Spark is very good at spotting road signs so I would just tell him what we were looking for and he would yell out when he saw the sign.  He can read what they say way before I can.  Young eyes I guess.

Wednesday Dad got his temporary crown put on and filling filled.  That took a couple of hours and the kids and I tried to get a little school work in.  In the evening the kids had AWANA and so we ran back and forth for that.  Dad was in a lot of pain with his tooth as he had broken his off below the gum line so when they were drilling there was a lot of blood and bruising.  Today, thankfully, he feels better.  He has a couple of weeks not to think about it until his permanent crown comes in and he get it on.

Thursday, today, we had our taxes done.  This is always fun as the man who does our taxes was the accountant at a place I use to work and we got to catch up with what was going on with him.  It is odd that you can see someone every day for years and then as life changes you only see them every now and then.  That appointment was done at noon and then the YMCA gym doesn't start until 2:00 so we had a couple of hours to burn.  We went to the mall and walked around a few times.  Dad wanted to get a baking pan for French bread but we couldn't find one anywhere.  Not the kitchen store, or Macy's or Penney's, or Sears.  Doesn't anyone bake French bread anymore?

Tonight we off again and tomorrow we have more goings on.  I don't know how people keep this kind of schedule up every week and all of the day to day things that need to get done.  Thankfully for us events one right after another only fall in clusters once in a very great while.  Whew!

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