
Friday, March 25, 2011

From Rooster to Sleep Overs

We woke up this morning thanks to one of the roosters crowing.  He wasn't willing to back in the barn yesterday so he spent the night outside. Now I know some might think it is all country and romantic to be awoken by a rooster but it's not.  It is so not.  I just want to go out there and throw something at him.  You know what the most annoying part about it is?  He seems to be able to sense when we are up and then he stops, wanders to another part of the yard not to crow again for hours. 

We spent the morning cleaning because Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Bob were coming for a visit.  Not that it needs to be spotless when they come but we do like to have a place for them to sit down.  By Friday that can be iffy at our  house.  We hadn't seen them for over a month so I was looking forward to today.  They were here for lunch and little chit chat and then they like to head home before the school buses are out so they don't get stuck behind one. 

This evening was the start of 4-H clothing camp.  It runs tonight and then all day tomorrow.   The Friday night segment is always a community service project.  This  year the kids made potato bags for the microwave.  It is a quilted little pouch that seniors in assisted living can put a potato in, pop it in the microwave and have a superb baked potato.  Never used one myself but have heard they work really well. 

Here is Dancer ripping out a seam on the top the back that got sewed on the wrong direction.  Spark went too but by this time he was out with another boy playing with a DS.  He did a really good job on his, he may be a natural at sewing.  He runs the sewing machine like it is a power tool, full speed ahead.

Home with us we brought one of Dancer's homeschool friends who is in another 4-H club and lives quite a ways away.  It was a good time to do a sleep over since we can just bring her back again tomorrow and she can go home with her family.  They didn't have a lot of time as we didn't get home until about 8:30 and then chores still had to be done.  They did get to have a snack, watch a movie and play a little Wii before I sent them off to bed.  I hear a lot of laughter coming out of Dancer's room so I suppose they will still be up half the night.

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