
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Signs of Spring

The chickens are a willing to come out of the barn.  Snow is not their thing.

The mommas to be.  Calliope, Millie and Desdemona.

Calliope wondering why I am out there and she isn't getting a treat.  I usually carry candy in my pockets or have veggie peels to give them.

A pheasant that was laying in the yard.  Ewww.  It must have been eaten by a hawk or eagle because it isn't torn apart, just the flesh picked neatly off the bones.

The garden by the house is going to need a lot of work.  We didn't have time to till it in the fall so there will be more to do now in the spring.

Every where I looked there was work to be done.  There are tons of branches down all over the yard.

See the hole on the side of the hay in the cart?

This chicken decided it would be a good place to make a nest.  Tonight though she decided to go back in the barn.

One of the rabbits, Extreme Fur Ball,  that has been out all winter.  We will have to catch them before too long so they don't eat all the new flowers and garden when we get it planted.

The gardens behind the barn.  It will still be awhile before we see them.

The cats, Vidalia here, leave the chickens alone or they give them a good peck.

She turned to look at me and looked like she was saying "Cats fear me."

Mud, mud, mud, mud, bring on the mud.

The snow use to be up to their chins so we have lost a lot of snow already.

The creek that runs through our yard.  Perhaps we should rename it to a river.

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