
Monday, April 25, 2011

Out Hunting for Tupperware in the Woods

Schools around here didn't have school today so we hooked up with some fellow geocaching friends and went out to a wonderful county park to find a few.  We have been amazed at the great parks that are near us, ones we would have never gone to if we weren't looking for caches.  This park is several  square miles with woods, prairie, rivers, lakes and the usual park grassy areas making it seem like we were in a lot of different places all in one day.  We brought lunch with and had picnic so it seemed like we were on vacation without the cost of a vacation.

There were a few of these hand pumps around the park the kids thought they were just the coolest things.  If this had been a hundred years ago they would have thought it was work.

One of the lakes we walked by had downed logs in the water and there were turtles sunning themselves on all of them.  If we got to close to them they would slip off the log and float in the water looking at us waiting until we left and then climb back up on the log. 

One of the hazards of Geocaching - prickly ash.  This is just one of the scratches we are sporting.  Dancer and I wore long pants and that really saved our legs but Dad and Spark look like they got in fight with a barbwire fence or something equally as evil.

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