
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Scientific And Natural Area

For Easter afternoon we thought it would be a good time to check out a Scientific And Natural Area we have been wanting to explore.  These areas are part of the state Department of Natural Resources.  They are usually out of the way spots of land that have remained completely untouched by humans for the most part.  The one that we went to doesn't even have a parking area, you just pull off to the side of the road and park part way down in the ditch so passing cars don't hit your car while you are off hiking in the woods.  There are no trails, or other facilities, so you just wander about enjoying what it would have been like it you were going through here on horseback or covered wagon.

It is nice to do these things now because it is finally warming up but the mosquitoes haven't come out yet, just the ticks.  It was really cool in here, it reminded me of a movie set.

A red mushroom fungus thing, these were so pretty popping up among the brown leaves.

I look back and Dad is laying on the ground behind a log.  I call back to Spark if Dad has had a heart attack.  Nope, he is just taking a picture.  You really should tell someone what you are doing before falling down on the ground like that.

Moss, I love how it makes it's own miniature world.

All the animals trails..... 

lead to the watering hole.  It was really muddy in here I don't think they will have this water source for much longer. 

The trees were so, so tall.

We did see one bit of wildlife, a snake.  He is the horizontal striped line right behind the branch.  I don't like snakes and everyone always tells me that they are more scared of me than I am of them.  I don't think so but thankfully he slithered in one direction as I ran in the other.  Dad, who is not petrified of snakes, ran after him like paparazzi to get his picture.

A few spring flower are starting to pop up.

Captain Barbosa was looking out of the tree.  No sign of the Black Pearl.

Everything is working hard to break out of it's winter covering of leaves.  Soon, soon spring will be upon us.

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