
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grandma Pat Birthday Party

We celebrated at a Mexican restaurant.  Besides having to park three blocks away, and walk to the restaurant because there was a convention at the civic center and the attendees were taking up every parking space, it was a lot of fun.  We were one of the few tables at the restaurant so I am sure that the restaurant appreciated that they had no parking spots either.

Dad and his aunt Kathy

Grandma Pat and Grandpa Jerry.  We gave her a 5 lb. bag of peanuts.  We always have peanuts at our house and she always says how much so likes them so we got her her own bag.  It looks funny to type her her together.

Birthday deep fried ice cream.

Spark enjoying a spoon of birthday dessert

Ride the pony, well technically a mule.

The most interesting man in the world, is he on the left or the right?

Cactus hat rack?

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