
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I heard about Koolickles in a Alton Brown book, "Feasting on Asphalt".  The odd, red, cherry flavored pickles are served at road side eateries in the Mississippi Delta region. 

Buy a large, gallon jar of kosher pickles, pour out the juice. Slice the pickles in half and return pickles to the jar.
Add 2 packets of cherry flavored Koolaid and one pound granulated sugar to the juice.  Mix until the sugar is all dissolved. 
Pour the liquid back into the jar making sure that the pickles are all covered. Discard the extra juice.  Cap the jar and refigerate.
Let sit in the fridge for 2 weeks.  Serve with your favorite sandwich.  They taste pretty good, sweet with a slight cherry flavor and they look "kool".

1 comment:

  1. I remember that episode, but I still don't think it sounds tasty.
