
Monday, September 19, 2011

Not The Plan Day

My dad was scheduled to have surgery this afternoon to have a cataract removed.  The plan was that I would drive him and wait with my mom while he was having it done.  To get ready we cooked them up three meals yesterday and Dancer baked some cookies so they would have things ready made when he was recouping.

That isn't how it worked out.  Some how while he was understanding that he was have surgery today the doctor was just doing an exam.  The same exam he had a couple weeks ago when he was referred for the surgery. 

The bad thing is he was really nervous about having it done and had mentally prepared for today.  Now he has to wait another month and go through it all again. 

The good thing was I got to go out to lunch with them, something we never do, just them and me, so I considered that part a success.  I also was happy to have a reason to bring them meals because I don't think they eat very well and now I can do it again next month.  Another good thing was that he picked to have it done next month on the 19th.  Every Wednesday the kids have AWANA so if Dad worked I would have to try and be back in time or they would have to miss it.  When I got home and looked at the calendar the day was blank, it was a planned day off of AWANA for MEA when all the schools are cancelled.  How perfect could that have worked out? 

The other non plan was tonight we went to the county 4-H meeting.  It was elections of officers and Dancer was nominated and took the position of historian.  The historian makes the county wide scrapbook.  The good things about this are that she goes to most county events and the scrapbook isn't judged at the fair.  The bad things are, well there really aren't any bad things about it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything goes well with the surgery next month. I wish we had more time to get involved with 4-H, so many things to choose from.
