
Friday, March 2, 2012

Coraline Button Cookies

The movie Coraline is creepy to me, but these cookies are cute!

Just make your regular peanut butter cookie recipe, Dancer used the recipe from the reindeer cookies she made for the cookie exchange at Christmas time.  Sugar cookies would also work wonderfully. 

Roll in small balls, about the size of a large marble, and bake as usual.  When they come out of the oven push the middle of each one down with the top of a soda pop bottle. 

For the holes in the buttons, use a straw the make four holes in the middle of the button.  This part is a little tricky because if you do it too soon the end of the straw melts and it doesn't make a hole any more but, if you wait to long the straw doesn't go through the cookie. 

I thought these were going to be time consuming, but with one of us pushing down the middles, and the other making the holes, it was only a couple of minutes for the whole batch.

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