
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Apple and Rocky Road Popcorn Balls

These were Dancer's red ribbon winning popcorn balls she put in the fair.  The recipe she used was really, really, really sweet, so to make these I would suggest using your tried and true popcorn ball recipe and adding in red food coloring.  She had to put in a lot of drops of color to get them this red, if we were making these for regular consumption they wouldn't be as red.  Otherwise, she made the popcorn balls, stabbed a pretzel stick in the top and jelly fruit slice for a leaf.  You may have to reround them after putting in the pretzel stick and fruit slice. The plan was to use the jelly mint slices I remember from my youth but we were unable to find any, perhaps they don't even exist anymore?  They were much cuter than this picture shows.

Spark's blue ribbon winning popcorn balls.  The kids were in the same division so we were impressed they took first and second place.  Now these are good popcorn balls!

Rocky Road Popcorn Balls

3 cups miniature marshmallows
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup chocolate chips
8 cups popcorn
1/2 cup peanuts

Melt the marshmallows, butter and chocolate chips together.  Stir in popcorn until coated.  Sprinkle peanuts over the top and stir a few more times to mix.  If you put the peanuts in right away they will sink to the bottom of the popcorn bowl when you start stirring.  With cold, wet hands shape into balls.  These are super duper hot so be careful when you start with the first few.

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