
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Scenes of the day

1.  Spark and I dropped Dancer off at daycamp this morning.
2.  The largest swans we have ever seen at a park Spark and I stopped at while we were geocaching.
3.  Ducks - miss them when I see them someplace else, but not enough to have our own again.
4.  The coolest bird house, it was a Chinese pagoda.
5.  It would be fun to have this little house in our yard.
6.  Large musical instruments.
7.  That sounded really good.
8.  These were fun!
9.  A traveling tree house.  I told Spark they should stop and put down roots somewhere, he laughed after about 30 seconds, a pause long enough for me to think he didn't think it was funny.  He did, it just took a little bit :)

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