
Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy 12th Birthday Spark!

Spark's first birthday invitation.
We were going to be gone all day so before we left he got to open one present to keep him entertained, a Nintendo DSi. 
I found this picture of him when he was just a little over one year old.  He has always loved hand held video games, actually any video game.
A burping birthday card, at 12 that is really funny.
It snowed on his birthday, not this much but enough to cover the most of the ground.  On the  year I had Spark we went to the hospital in shorts and two days later came home in winter jackets.
We met Grandma Pat for lunch at Chucky Cheese's for pizza and to play video games.  Then came home to more presents.
Just cute so I added it in :) 
12 candles!
Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Bob came today for lunch to celebrate with him.  We had tator tot hot dish, one of his favorite meals, and more cake and ice cream.