
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hospital Christmas Lighting

Every year the hospital Dad works at has a lighting ceremony.  The hospital and all of it's architectural details are outlined in lights, it is truly spectacular and can been seen for miles.  We use to live in a town on a hill that was just across the river from the hospital.  I have special memories of sitting up at night with the kids when they were babies and how much I loved to look at it in the silence of the cold December nights.
The last time we went to the lighting ceremony was when Spark was probably about three and Dancer six years old.  Since we moved it is just to far to drive into town to watch them flip a switch when we can see the lights on other nights that we are there.  Tonight though Dancer had a meeting near by so Spark and I ran over to take in all the festivities.   

Santa and Mrs. Claus were handing out candy canes. 

Horse drawn carriage rides.  They were short but that was okay, made the line move quickly in the cold weather.
Two reindeer where there but, no sleigh, perhaps Santa and Mrs. Claus both rode in on one?  Not sure which ones these are but we know they weren't Rudolph.  Spark and I wondered if he need to charge that bright, shiny nose and was at the North Pole plugged into a power outlet.
A living nativity scene, I love these.
Just a tiny slice of how many lights there are.  They picked a little kid out of the crowd to pull the switch - how cool would that be?
A local high school choir.  They were good because even Spark said, "Their singing is so beautiful."
And cookies and cocoa that wasn't so hot it burned your tongue - yummy!

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