
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This Is Not Good

The cats have been after Bert like he is made of catnip.  The other night we were watching a movie, The Awakening Land, really good if you have five and half hours to spare, and Bert's bell was just a ringing and a ringing.   After a few minutes of this I thought, he never rings his bell this much.  We paused the movie, went into Spark's room where Bert lives and saw those two thugs we call cats on his cage rocking it back and forth.  Well, Skips was on top but, Mr. Fluffles was down below cheering him on.  Since that night, we have tried to keep Spark's door closed for Bert's personal safety. 

Today Skips got in there so Dancer went in to get him and she was sure she shooed him out. She shut the door and, with no bell ringing, we weren't aware that anything was amiss.  When Spark went in to take out his dirty clothes this is what he saw.  Oh Bert, I think we are going to have to start praying for you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bert - I will pray for you too. Or maybe for the cats that they stay in one piece. ;)
