
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4-H Project Day

Last Sunday was our yearly club project day.  It is a day where each family takes topics and does a little talk and has the kids do a project in that area.  The kids in our club range from 5th to 12th grade making it easier to do more complex projects.  This year we:

Made bread in a bag.  The kids loved, loved, loved this.  Most of them were eating their bread from the top down as they were leaving.  We even got one phone call that night saying how good that bread was.  Seems no one bakes bread any more and know how yummy good it is.  Hopefully a couple of them will be inclined to start now.

Canned pickle relish.   Only one other family had ever canned anything.  Seems we are in 4-H with a bunch of yuppies that need to be countrified.

 Cute memo boards.  A frame, chicken wire stapled to the back, a piece of fabric on cardboard hot glued to the back of that and clothes pins and buttons hot glued to the front.  This one is Sparks.
Dancer's, her fabric is much cuter than this picture shows.   
Painted flower pots and planted flowers. 
Made plant starters out of toilet paper rolls and planted seeds.
Fire pokers.  This was a length of rebar spray painted black,

with a wooden handle that was burned and then they could use a wood burning tool to put their name or whatever they fancied on it.  We tried it out with our first bonfire of the year. 
Kacheekers was very pleased that we were outside.  He is a lap cat and he doesn't get much attention all winter so this made him happy, happy, happy.

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