
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."

That quote is by Hal Borland an outdoor writer.  He was right, our winter did end but it was touch and go there for a while.  In fact, today it only got up to around 47 and the furnace turned on.  THE FURNACE TURNED ON!  It is May 22nd for goodness sakes. 
 Every year when my Mom's tulips would come up she would say -
Tulips in the garden
Tulips in the park
But the tulips I like best
Are the tulips in the dark
Dad always says that God gives him leaves for his birthday.  Not this year, they came out in full force a couple of days later but, that doesn't count.  It actually seems odd to see things green after so many months of white snow and dead grass brown.
All these pictures were taken by Dancer

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