
Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Lovely Way To Spend The Afternoon

Get together with some great friends and find a few geocaches.  Enjoy lunch at a pizza place.  Then head over to a fishing museum.
Work on a scavenger hunt that helps you learn about the pieces in the museum.

Have fish envy - she caught that big guy, really she did.

Read a good book or two.
Visit a zoo with friendly donkeys.

Feed an adorable calf - Dancer had calf envy too, she wants a little brown Swiss to call her own.

Help a bear in a tree.

Feed and watch absolutely adorable prairie dogs. 
See a turtle lay on his tummy after he ran the length of his home.  Yes, we are sure he was running.
And there you have it, a lovely afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that sounds like a great time. Maybe we could join you sometime? ;)
