
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Geocaching Events

Finding geocaches is a thrill but another part of geocaching is events.  Events are put on by a geocacher who wants to get together with other geocachers and says, "Come join me at these coordinates and lets have a party!"  We have only done a few of these events because where we live in the state doesn't have many and we aren't ones to drive many miles to attend them (although many die hard cachers do).
On Friday night we went to a pizza pie making event in a state forest.  This cacher, who is an excellent chef over the camp fire, has hidden over 4000 caches.  That number is about 500 more than he has found.  It is guys like these that keep the game going.
There was a little pie iron envy going on.  This other gentleman brought an original pie iron and there were offers to buy it. 
The best part about these events is hearing tales from other cachers, getting tips on hard to find caches, swapping travel bugs or dropping off dead batteries. 
No it's not, eating pizza is the best part :)


  1. Looks super awesome fun. :) Makes me have a little pie iron envy of my own. :)

  2. I wish we had more time to do geocaching and letterboxing. We used to have so much fun.
