
Sunday, September 1, 2013

State Fair Whirlwind

Dancer and her llama, Nora, won a state fair trip.  A great feat for a llama girl who made Dancer work for half an hour just to get a halter on her back in the spring.  Now she is all refined and strutting her stuff with the best of them. 
We enjoyed a beautiful cool summer here up until the week of the state fair when the temps rose into the 90's and the heat index even higher because the humidity was in the 70's.  All this heat made a the trip a bit more challenging, like when we stopped for a break on the way down and I said to Dad, "There is green stuff running out of the car."  Thankfully some more coolant fixed the problem because what does one do in extreme heat with a llama along side the freeway and you are still at least an hour from your destination?
We brought Dancer on Wednesday, but two of her shows weren't until Thursday, so while Dancer stayed down at the fair the rest of us drove back and forth.  It was well worth it to see her compete.
With Dancer busy in the barns it left only Spark to walk around with Dad and I.  One of Dad's favorite kind of soda is RC Cola but we never see it in our grocery stores.  There was a vendor there that sold only RC Cola, probably because no one can get it here, and since it is such a novelty, Spark posed by the sign.
The state fair mascot - the gopher is the mascot, not Spark.
Spark won a blue ribbon for his potato cannon!  Luck was on his side that his judge was a high school physic teacher so he understood his project.

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