
Get to know us

There are four of us, Dad, Mom, Dancer and Spark, and a whole lot of pets. 
Our little blog is a diary of our family, we don't try to write for an audience.  We have no theme to our postings and we don't write opinion pieces very often.  We have lots of opinions, we just don't write about them on here.

A few random family facts:

  • We are homeschoolers, our kids have never gone to school.
  • Dancer just graduated with an AA degree and did the whole thing on line.
  • We truly love being together everyday. 
  • We live happily in the country on a little farm.
  • We have llamas, chickens and Saanen goats.
  • There isn't any thing much cuter on this earth than a baby goat.
  • We hate that Dad works, it is so inconvenient.
  • We would like to win the lottery.
  • We like to play games.  Board games, card games, computer games, video games, word games, any kind of game.  You could say we are game for anything.
  • We have a cute toy Fox Terrier, Nikki, who we treat as a human.  A very little human.
  • If someone is sitting down she wants to be sitting on their lap.
  • We sew her outfits and buy her clothes.
  • The kids love to swim.
  • Dancer loves to fish.
  • We all love to ride bike.
  • Spark loves to play Fallout and any other video game.
  • We all love to cook.  You can look at us and tell we love to eat what we cook.
  • We aren't very fancy.
  • We have four cats.
  • We love to grow a garden.
  • We think organic food is cheaper than cancer.
  • We are sort of messy and are always battling clutter.
  • The kids are in 4-H.
  • Spark talks on the phone - a lot.
  • We love field trips.
  • We have just as much fun getting to the field trip as we do on the field trip.
  • We watch a lot of movies.
  • But not in the summer, then we barely turn the t.v. on.
  • We do a lot of arts and crafts
  • Dancer likes to read.
  • We stay up late, way too late most nights.
  • We sleep in, don't call before 9:30.
  • Dad works nights, that is why we stay up late.
  • We use our crock pot several times a week.
  • Dad is great at grilling.
  • We have a Senegal parrot named Bert.
  • Bert likes peanuts in the shell.
  • We freeze, can and dehydrate a lot of our garden goodies.
  • We use to raise ducks but they ate our garden so we don't anymore.
  • Dancer likes to laugh, a lot.
  • The kids and Dad love coffee, Mom has never drank a whole cup in her life.
  • Mom likes to crochet, she does it when she is waiting for the kids at their activities.
  • Reese's Peanut Butter cups are our favorite family candy.
  • We love Dairy Queen Blizzards and wish they were calorie free.
  • We take a lot of pictures.
  • Dancer is allergic to food coloring.
  • Spark probably watched Shrek a couple hundred times when he was little.
  • Dancer loves all the Pirates of Caribbean movies.
  • Dancer loves to color.
  • We have a lot of plants.
  • We don't do things just because everyone else is.
  • We never wear shoes in the house. 
  • Some of our favorite t.v. shows are Death in Paradise, Last Man on Earth, The Office, Bob'a Burgers and Last Tango in Halifax.
  • We watch lots of news shows.  The kids probably know more political and world figures than most people in America.
  • We never really believe the weather report.
  • Dad is a nurse.  He usually works in a surgical progress unit.  If you are in the hospital and he is your nurse you are not doing well.
  • You can feel better knowing that he has only had two patients die on his shift.
  • I hope this doesn't jinx him.
  • We like to have bonfires in the spring, fall and cool summer nights.
  • We find a lot of things ironic.
  • We have made our own tooth paste.
  • Spark has a Sponge Bob themed room
  • Dancer has a lime and lavender room with a fairy theme.
  • We go out to eat and to a movie on our birthdays.
  • Dancer is a CNA at a nursing home.
  • The county and state fair are the highlights of our summer.
  • Our closest neighbor is about a quarter of a mile away.
  • We have lots of days when we never go anywhere.
  • We love Chinese food.
  • Dancer loves socks and earrings.
  • Mom and Dad dated for six years and have been married for 27 years.
  • They were high school sweethearts.
  • They went to different colleges, hence the six years of dating.
  • Of those six years, they only lived in the same town for one of them.
  • Their wedding ceremony was 13 minutes long.
  • Dancer was born on year seven and Spark on year eleven of their marriage.
  • They wonder what they did before they had kids.
  • We are followers of Jesus Christ and seek his will in all that we do.
  • We pray this shows in our words and actions.