
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

5K Run

Today was a 5K run sponsored by the United Way and the local paper. The Girl has really gotten into running them this fall. We encourage her because it keeps her active, she runs three miles almost every day, and there are a lot of good roll models at these races. We want the kids to see others living out healthy lifestyles and for the Girl to see women running just as strong at the finish line as the men. By the way, the first woman over the finish line was 20 minutes 25 seconds, that is a remarkable time! The Girl had trouble with her ankle and therefore came in quite late. The editor of the local paper was so nice that he went back out and walked in with her as she finished. At the awards ceremony he even gave her his award because she finished. It is refreshing to see such a generous hearted, selfless person in this day and age when most are only thinking of themselves.

At the event was Diana Pierce, a t.v. personality from KARE 11. The kids were excited to see her, KARE 11 is the news we watch every night. They both got her autograph and she posed for a picture as well. Very classy lady, I am glad they got a chance to meet her.
This is probably going to be the last race of the year. There is another in November but basketball will have already started. Our goal next year is for Dad and I to train as well and be good enough to be able to run with her.
We are proud of her for taking up this hobby.

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