
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trip highlights

Other highlights of our trip included:

Spending lots of time with Grandma - we saw her 10 days in a row! She stayed with us a few days before we went to her house.

Driving to the very edge of Oklahoma and snapping a picture at the border just to say we were there.

Shooting acorns off the deck with a sling shot we got at a craft sale.

Blowing leaves off the patio

Walking sticks and snails. We didn't get a good picture of the snail but the kids found the biggest snail we had ever seen. Snails don't get near that large here in the north.

Visiting this beautiful glass church in Bella Vista. This church was built as a memorial for Mildred Cooper. The building and the grounds are so beautiful and wonderfully maintained.

Going to the lake.

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