
Friday, November 28, 2008

Scenes from Thanksgiving

This was just the beginning
of Dancer laughing all night.

Grandma Cooking

We skipped the turkey and grilled. Only Dancer likes the white meat so it is lots of hotdishes to eat if we make a big turkey.

Our hibiscus bloomed for Thanksgiving.

Here is one of the Dad's favorite recipes. We make this on holidays and special occasions as it is not low calorie by any means.

Carrot Casserole

1 lb. carrots
1 onion
2 sticks butter
1 scoop flour
1 C. milk
1 tube Ritz crackers

Boil carrots until tender - mash. Cook onion in 1 stick of butter until softened, not browned. Add flour and milk until thickened. Add carrots. Put in 8X8 buttered pan. Crush crackers, mix with melted butter and sprinkle on top. Bake 350 20-30 minutes. If refrigerated add 10 minutes.

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