
Sunday, January 18, 2009

180 degrees

Today couldn't have been more different that yesterday. Instead of being gone all day and running round, we stayed home the entire day. I only went out to do chores in the barn. The kids watched a marathon of the Timewarp Trio. Dancer made more shrink art jewelry and made jewelry with all the pieces she made on Friday. Spark played some Wii and was in his room cleaning (he looses his DS if his room isn't cleaned, and since he can only play it after 5 p.m. or if we go somewhere, it is important to have that room clean). I managed a couple hour nap - yeah! Tonight Big Love was back on after not being produced last year so watched that. We finished watching Biggest Loser because I was too tired to stay up and watch it last night. I guess you could say we were just slugs. Even the weather has done a 180. We went from lower than -30 to 20 degrees today. 50 degrees make a huge difference. It is actually enjoyable to go out and take care of all the animals and they seem so much more active and content. Tomorrow I know is a holiday and school kids don't have school but my kids don't know that so we will have business as usual here.

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