
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ABC Blessings of Homeschooling

Abundant time together

Backyard studyhall

Cooking good food from scratch

Delight in learning

Endless hours of parent/child time

Field trips with friends

God as our superintendent
Home together all the time

Intimate chats on the big comfy couch
Jesus helps write our curriculum
Keepers of our home
Learning lessons WE think are important

Mornings that aren't hurried

Nikki our homeschool dog

Opportunity to learn at our pace
Place to be ourselves
Quick, flippy baby goats, bunnies, ducks, and chickens in our backyard
Sleeping in and being well rested
Teachers who love us unconditionally
Unembarrassed kisses from kids
Visiting grandparents during the week
Weekly trips to the library
Xtra time for hobbies
Years to develop our talents
Zaniness all day long

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