
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back from our trip to the land of no technology

Last week our computer just shut down and it took a trip to the compter fix-it place to get it up and running again. What was suppose to be 2 - 3 days turned into a week.

Going cold turkey without a computer made us realize how dependent we were on it. I was amazed at how many times I thought "I'll just look that up" and "I am just going to quick check the email". I also had to pull out a cookbook because I couldn't just put in what I had on hand and have it find a recipe for me on the Internet. We couldn't look at any of our various accounts. I couldn't order books from the library for what we are going to be studying this week. Library books couldn't be renewed, which is a big deal for us since we rely on being able to renew them from home to keep our over due fine as minimal as possible. Movies are a dollar a day which can add up quite quickly.

After a couple of days though, we got use to it. The kids were worried that their Webkinz and Neopets were starving, but we stopped thinking that we had to check the computer for other things. I thought maybe we should try limit our computer time now that we know we can do without it. Then I thought, who am I kidding? I am sure that by tomorrow afternoon we will right back to normal with our computer compulsion!


  1. Fellow home school mom who stumbled on your site via my company - Once Upon a Family. Are you with them as well or just thought it was a cute name?
    Glad your computer got fixed. Amazing how we ever lived with out them...hee hee

  2. We have never heard of a company called Once Upon a Family. Must not be in our part of the country. I will have to look it up. We got the name because when we sell at farmers' markets we have a board about us that we titled "Once Upon a Farm" to tell about our animals and then "Once Upon a Garden" to tell about our garden so our customers can see where their food comes from. When we started to blog all that would be left is "Once Upon a House" and that just sounds lame, so we decided since it is the story of us we used "family".
