
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dance, Dance, Baby!

One of the days of the year Dancer can hardly wait for came today. It was the first dance competition of the year! She has been so excited that she has spent the last two days making lists of everything she needed to bring with and then packing and checking to make sure she packed everything over and over. We went to St. Paul to the Excel Center so it was a long trip and we had to be there at 8 a.m. Early, early morning and our family does not do mornings too well but we all bounded out of bed by 5:30 a.m. at the excitement of a competition. Her dance team did very well. They won three golds and three first place trophies! Dancer was chosen to go up and get the award for their ballet dance and here she is with it. We are so proud of her! On the way home we drove by a store that had these big cement sports balls outside of it. We pulled over and she and Dad hopped out to take her picture with the basketball. It was all so fast I didn't even see what the store was. It was a long but fun packed day.

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