
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Thursday - homeschool day

Spark watched a lesson of his Latin study. He uses Prima Latina and it has been really easy to learn the vocabulary, derivatives and grammar using the Cd's, DVDs, workbooks and a bit of us asking him the words now and then.
Dancer did a chapter in this Book of Roots that goes along with her Latin study Latina Christiana. She does most of this study as a self study with me drilling her a bit on vocabulary. I had hoped to learn this along with her but time has not been cooperative in doing that.
We started a chapter in Story of the World, the program we use for history. The kids made these Roman Legion's Signums. These signums were carried into battle by the signifer. These were so very heavy that the signfer was unable to carry a weapon. If anything happened to the signum the whole legion would be punished. The shiny circles are discs covered with aluminum foil and pictures of wild animals, weapons and emperor's picture. The signums were fun to make and they are really quite cool.

We made yummy bread pudding for supper and enjoyed it with ice cream.

Dancer worked in a workbook about sequencing. This is more of a fun puzzle book for her so it doesn't feel so much like learning. Spark worked on math, he uses Singapore. No math for Dancer because she finished her book yesterday. Hurray! she is done before the end of the year! I will get her a new book right away because if I wait until next fall we will be doing a lot of review. Math we keep up year around, well at least we try.
We also got in a chapter in our unit study of Series of Unfortunate Events using a book called Fortunately for You. This included reading a chapter, writing, a bible study of biblical people who have suffered from regret, a lesson in manner and answering review questions.
We do not always get this much done but today the both of the kids were very focused and skipped through the work without me having to say "Get er done". They hate that saying by the way.

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