
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We brought one vice president there and another vice president home

Dancer's last night as vice president.  The president was gone so she had to run the meeting and the elections. 

Spark really wanted to be elected vice president for this next year.  Not leaving anything to chance, he made an election poster to hold up after his nomination.  When your sister is in the club you know that you will be nominated.  He also wore a 4-H shirt, hat and pin.  He also sported a tie to show how serious he was about wanting to be the vice president.  It worked - he is the new vice president!

Dancer didn't want a position this year, she just wanted to be a member at large.  She has been very firm on that decision for the last few months.  She was nominated for a few positions and respectfully declined them all.  A couple of years ago she was the historian and won a purple champion ribbon for her scrapbook, the only time the club won a purple for the scrapbook.  It was an expensive position though, between the book, papers, stickers, photos etc. it cost about $80.00 so we really weren't planning on anyone in our family taking the position again unless at some later date Spark would want to.  When it came time to elect a historian, which was the last office, Dancer was nominated and she respectfully declined.  Still no one stepped up to plate to take the position.  Dancer got up and gave a little over view of what the position entailed and how fun it was, not mentioning the cost.  Still no takers.  Well, there were a few kids who wanted to and their moms said no, why I don't know.  Perhaps they thought it would be a lot of work, which it is, and that they would end up doing it as many of the kids in our club are grade school age..  Finally when it looked like we weren't going to have a historian, it's not mandatory that a club have a historian, one of the boys in the back yells up, "Dancer just be the historian since you are so good at it."  And Dancer says........okay.    Here we go again!

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