
Sunday, October 3, 2010

June, July, August and September showers bring MUSHROOMS

I don't even know how many inches of rain we had this summer but it was a lot, sometimes it was 5 -6 inches in one storm.  The grass never even got brown and we usually don't mow much after the 4th of July.  This year it needed to be mowed about every five days.  Every where, even out in the middle of yard, grew mushrooms, mushrooms and more mushrooms. 

Since mushrooms are something we don't get to experience very often we went crazy this summer taking pictures of them.

This one was over a foot across.

A shelf mushroom, we loved the texture of it, leather like.

We know next to nothing about mushrooms so if any of these are edible we had no idea. 

This reminded us of a sand dollar.

Can't you just see fairies sitting under these giggling that they can see us but we can't see them?

Beautiful color, the brightest wild mushroom I have ever seen.

Hostess coconut snowball?  These were so lacy it was hard not to touch them.

Lichen also grew like wild fire this summer too.   I love that stuff, it's complexity is fascinating.  I would love to see it grow on one of those films where they speed up the film and you can see it happen in a matter of a minute.

A whimsical little one.

Do they look like cookies?

A frogs eye view.

Some of them were so perfect they looked like flowers.

And they had these little collars on the necks of them.  Did it get to hot and they started to disrobe?

1 comment:

  1. You have some interesting mushrooms! I like ours to, but we don't get the variety you seem to! We do get a lot of color--red, orange and yellow ones.

    Peace and Laughter!
