
Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Roof Over Our Heads

In July we had a horrible storm that damaged all our shingles.  The problem is it damaged everybody else's roof too.  Almost every driveway we pass by has a sign from a roofing company at the end of it.  We got a contract with a company back in August and they said just tell us when you want it done and we will be there.  October we said, before the snow flys and we have to file for an extension on our insurance.  No problem we were assured.  Well there must have been a problem because October came and went with no new roof.  November started and we called them.  For sure they would be here the next Friday.  Nope.  Finally, finally they called this week and said they would be here on Thursday.  While we were hopeful I wasn't convinced that they would really show.  But I was awoken this morning by the sound of someone walking on the roof. 

I got up and this was in our driveway.

Pretty soon this was laying all over in front of the house. 

By time they left for lunch the back of the house looked like this.  Dancer is out here taking Nikki for a potty break while they were gone because they had her in a tizzy all day.

The front of the house was completely bare of shingles.

They are supposed to be done tomorrow but by noon they had only taken the shingles off half of the house roof and they still have this garage to do.

And this garage and another shed. 

And piles of shingles like this are all around our house.  By the time they left they had taken all the shingles off the house and had the tar paper down and a few shingles.  Once they are off the house I don't care how long it takes them but it is stressful to have them working above us all day.  The dog barked most of the day with the hair standing up on her back, Bert coward in back of his cage with his feathers fluffed, the cats hid out in the hay under the tarp, the goats stayed close to the barn cautiously watching and every time we need to go outside someone would yell "homeowner coming out" and everyone would stop working and watch us walk away from the house.   The oddest part was, even though they were scrapping, pounding, making the house shake, banging, talking loudly and had a radio blaring, Dad was able to sleep through it.  I guess that show how tired he is after his first night of work, they actually got some of the shingles on over the bedroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Shingling IS noisy work, isn't it!? You'll be so glad when it's done though - everything will look so nice! Hope they go around with a big magnetic roller to pick up all the nails for you afterwards!
