
Monday, December 5, 2011

Brrrrr!!!!! Baby It's cold outside.

The indoor/outdoor thermometer says it is .6°, it's our coldest night of the new winter season.  We have had a warm fall so it seems especially super cold.  Even with winter gear on our fingers were numb and/or aching by the end of chores.

At times like these I go on enviously about the pictures on other blogs, like swimtaxi234, were there are still leaves on the trees and they are doing fun things outside.  Then Mom reminds me that down south they have nasty bugs, snakes and temps in the 100°'s for days on end.

Since our biggest snake is smaller than my forearm, we have fewer bugs (though still a few trillion mosquitoes) and we only had a few days over 90° this year I guess she has a point.  Maybe the the point is we always complain about the weather where ever we are. 

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