
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homeschool Co-op Christmas Ornaments

We had our co-op Christmas party on Tuesday.  Each family brought a snack and an ornament or project to do.  The kids split up in groups of two or three and went around to each table to make the ornament.  As soon as they were done eating and crafting they ran into the gym to play some games.  Every chance they get they are running to the gym, it is definitely the highlight of going to co-op.  One boy brought a remote control car they played with and the they played a couple of tag games.  It is nice that they get themselves on teams and start playing all on their own.

Here are all the crafts.

Clear bulb stuffed with cotton balls and face drawn on with Sharpie markers.  By Spark.

Clear bulb with a squirt of glue and glitter.  Roll around until the inside is covered.  By Dancer.

One family just got back from Florida and brought back these beautiful shells.  They were nice enough to share them with us.  Cardboard circle, glue on shells, sprinkle with glitter, attach bow and hanger. This one is really pretty it just didn't show up on the picture like it is real life.   By Dancer.

Clothes pin painted brown with a strip of little garland woven back and forth in the pin.  Glue on star, buttons, etc. and hanger.  By Dancer.

Fire started for the outdoor enthusiast that has every thing.  Fill an egg carton with small animal bedding and pour wax over the top.  This wax made the room smell soooo good.  Cut the egg cups apart for six starters.  By Spark.

For the birds.  Pine cone smeared with peanut butter and rolled in bird seed.  This one is really pretty I wish it wasn't gooey and we could hang it on the tree.  By Spark.

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