
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SURPRISE!!! Merry Christmas

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Shirley were coming today to celebrate Christmas around noon or 1:00, or so I thought.  At 10:30 we were still sitting around in our jammies eating breakfast and the phone ran.  Spark answered it and it was Grandpa Bob calling to say that they were leaving town and we might want to start the oven for the ham.  We live a little over 4 miles from town and it's 55 mph all the way.  Eeeeks!  In six minutes we managed to get dressed, finish breakfast, pick up the house and look like we were all ready and expecting them.  He thought, or perhaps I misunderstood, that they were coming at 11:00 and he decided they would just be a little early.  Thankfully I set the alarm last night so we were up and Dad had already cleaned the kitchen and started the scalloped corn.

The earlier time worked out wonderfully as Dancer got an email after we already picked the day for them to come that all her friends were playing ultimate Frisbee indoors at a local university.  Grandma and Grandpa had barely left the driveway before she was in the car ready to go. 

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