
Monday, January 30, 2012

Homer Simpson

This picture is to prove that we got this puzzle done.  We got this from Dad's brother for Christmas as a family gift.   It was tough, it has 1000 pieces but about 3000 little pictures that make up Homer.  We had it up for almost two weeks before it was finish Friday night/Saturday morning 2:15 in the morning.   The ironic thing about putting all this time into this hard puzzle is that we don't even watch the Simpsons, I'm not even sure if it is on t.v. anymore.  I found out as we were doing it that the kids don't even know the character names, Dancer kept calling Bart "that boy." We kept it up over the weekend to admire it and I took it apart this morning and promptly put it in the donate box.  Once was enough.

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