
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reason #114 To Homeschool

Dancer stayed over at a friends house last night.  She called at 1:30 a.m. to tell us they had just finished watching a movie and to say good night (see why we love her so much, well we would love her just as much if she didn't call but it does warm my heart that she wants a good night/I love you at her age).  Yes, we are usually still up at that time, remember Dad works nights and so we have a shifted schedule.

This morning I was suppose to pick her up at 11:00.  At 10:45 the mom, who understands teenagers as she has three of them, calls and says that I may want to wait to come because the girls are still sleeping.  The joy for homeschoolers to have this schedule on a week day.  When I got there around 12:30 they were sitting at the table in their jammies eating pancakes and drinking orange juice about five and half hours after they would have otherwise been on the bus going to school.  Ah, the life of a teen aged homeschooler. 

Tomorrow will be reason #115 to homeschool.  We are suppose to have wind chill temperatures of  -40 below.  The kids will not be waiting for or getting on a freezing cold bus before the first light of day.  Instead we will be tuck in the house, maybe even eating pancakes and drinking orange juice at 12:30.

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