
Friday, January 20, 2012

Swiss Chocolate Fondue

We have moved into Switzerland in our history study.  One can't really study any aspect of Switzerland with out consuming a little chocolate.  This is so good only make it if you have control in chocolate situations.  We made half a batch and it made enough for three of us and we had left overs.  The left overs were only to prove to ourselves that we could control ourselves around chocolate.  By the time diner was done we had finished it off.

Swiss Chocolate Fondue

6 oz. semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 milk
1/2 peanut butter

Melt all together in double boiler.  This is our makeshift double boiler.  I just take a pot, boil water in it and put another bowl over the top.   You have a double boiler and don't have to give up any cupboard space to store it for the six times every decade that you use it.

Dip in fruit, marshmallows, cake, donuts, cookies, nuts - actually, besides maybe sardines, anything would be good dipped in this delicious decadence.

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